How Post-Quantum Cryptography Will Redefine Digital Security

Published on
September 9, 2024
Written by
Jeremy Vaughn
Read time
5 min

Jeremy Vaughn

Founder and CEO

Key Takeaways:

  • The rise of quantum computing poses a significant risk to today’s encryption standards, which have become obsolete with the announcement of NIST’s new quantum-secure cryptographic standards.
  • Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is the solution to safeguarding sensitive data and transactions from future quantum-based attacks.
  • Immediate action is required, as store now, decrypt later (SNDL) attacks are already targeting sensitive information, making it vital to transition to PQC now.

The Quantum Threat: Urgent Action Required

The official NIST announcement marks a pivotal moment in the field of digital security. As of this announcement, traditional encryption algorithms like RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) are now considered obsolete, marking the beginning of the transition to quantum-secure encryption. The rise of quantum computing has the potential to break today’s encryption standards using algorithms like Shor’s algorithm, which could expose sensitive communications and data to bad actors.

Store now, decrypt later (SNDL) attacks are already underway, with adversaries harvesting encrypted data today with the intent to decrypt it in the future once quantum computers become powerful enough. This makes it critical for organizations to transition to PQC immediately, especially those dealing with sensitive data such as national security information, health records, financial transactions, and communications.

The timeline for large-scale quantum computers capable of breaking today’s encryption is estimated to be within 5–10 years, but the threat is already present. Organizations must take preemptive action to protect against future breaches of data currently being captured.

Where Do These New Algorithms Come From?

The post-quantum cryptographic algorithms being adopted today are the result of years of development by some of the world’s leading cryptographers and mathematicians. In response to the growing quantum threat, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched a global competition over a decade ago to identify cryptographic standards that could withstand both classical and quantum-based attacks.

In 2017, NIST began its Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) Standardization Project, which rigorously evaluated dozens of potential candidates. After multiple rounds of evaluation, testing, and public scrutiny, several key quantum-resistant algorithms have now been standardized. These algorithms, including CRYSTALS-Kyber for key encapsulation and CRYSTALS-Dilithium for digital signatures, have emerged as the most promising solutions to replace vulnerable encryption methods like RSA and ECC once quantum computers become capable of breaking them.

NIST’s final recommendations represent a diverse range of mathematical approaches, ensuring that organizations can maintain resilience even if one algorithm faces future vulnerabilities. The selected approaches include:

  • Lattice-based cryptography, which is currently the leading choice for quantum-resistant encryption due to its robustness and scalability.
  • Hash-based cryptography, which provides security for digital signatures.
  • Additional approaches, such as multivariate and code-based cryptography, offering resilience against potential new attacks.

This diversity ensures that, if one algorithm is ever compromised, others will remain secure. Moreover, NIST’s framework is built with crypto agility in mind, allowing organizations to quickly adapt to new security challenges. This agility enables seamless switching between algorithms as new threats emerge, without the need for extensive system overhauls.

Organizations like the US Army, US Air Force, and major financial institutions have already begun adopting these new standards to safeguard their most sensitive data, setting the stage for a quantum-resilient future.

Crypto Agility: Preparing for a Dynamic Security Future

The NIST standardization process has not only introduced quantum-secure algorithms but also underscored the importance of crypto agility. Crypto agility refers to the ability of organizations to quickly and efficiently switch between encryption algorithms as new vulnerabilities or threats emerge. In a world where quantum computing and other advanced technologies continually evolve, security protocols must be adaptable.

Historically, encryption management has been slow and fragmented, with organizations relying on manual processes and disparate third-party systems to update encryption protocols. This has often led to broken encryption remaining in use for years, leaving organizations vulnerable to attacks. The transition to PQC offers an opportunity to embrace crypto agility, allowing organizations to rotate encryption algorithms quickly and without taking systems offline.

By adopting crypto-agile encryption management systems, organizations can future-proof their security and ensure that they remain ahead of potential threats. The Solstice network offers built-in support for crypto agility, enabling organizations to seamlessly integrate quantum-resilient cryptography and update systems as new threats emerge.

Prioritizing the Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography

Transitioning to PQC is a complex process that requires careful prioritization. Not all data and systems need immediate quantum-proofing. Organizations should focus first on assets and communications that are most at risk from SNDL attacks and the future quantum threat. The following is a framework for prioritizing the transition:

Priority 1: Long-Term Sensitive Data

Data that needs to remain private for several years must be the highest priority for PQC adoption. This includes:

  • National security information: Classified government communications and intelligence.
  • Medical records: Patient data, electronic health records, and pharmaceutical research.
  • Financial transactions: High-value banking and investment transactions.

Organizations should transition these assets to PQC as soon as possible, as they are most vulnerable to SNDL attacks.

Priority 2: Highly Sensitive but Short-Term Data

This category includes data and systems that are sensitive but have a shorter lifespan. These use cases include:

  • Stock trades: Transactions that need to remain secure until executed.
  • Industrial control systems: Critical infrastructure like power grids, water systems, and telecommunications.

These systems should transition to PQC within the next 18–24 months to ensure protection before quantum computers become cryptographically relevant.

Priority 3: Short-Lived, Low-Impact Data

Some data has a short shelf life and would not cause significant harm if compromised. Examples include:

  • Weather data: Information that is quickly made public.
  • Non-sensitive communications: Data that does not contain proprietary or personal information.

These assets can be transitioned by 2030, as they are at lower risk from SNDL attacks and can safely be addressed later in the migration process.

This phased approach ensures that critical data is protected first while allowing organizations to manage the complexities and costs of PQC migration efficiently.

The Role of the Solstice Network in Quantum-Resilient Security

As organizations begin the shift to post-quantum cryptography, platforms like the Solstice network provide essential support. The Solstice network integrates PQC and ensures that organizations can adapt quickly to evolving security threats through its crypto-agile architecture.

By supporting quantum-resistant encryption across decentralized networks, the Solstice network ensures that critical assets, communications, and transactions remain secure in the quantum era. It offers seamless integration with legacy systems, allowing for real-time upgrades without disrupting business operations.

Preparing for the Quantum Era: Call to Action

As the quantum computing threat draws nearer, organizations must take the following steps to protect their assets:

  1. Conduct Security Audits:
    Assess existing encryption protocols and identify areas vulnerable to quantum-based attacks.
  2. Implement PQC Gradually:
    Start by transitioning high-priority assets and gradually integrate post-quantum cryptography into less critical systems.
  3. Adopt Crypto-Agile Platforms:
    Leverage solutions like the Solstice network that are designed for crypto agility, enabling seamless algorithm updates and real-time encryption management.

Conclusion: A New Standard for Digital Security

The advent of post-quantum cryptography marks a new era in digital security, as organizations must now transition away from traditional encryption methods to ensure long-term protection against quantum threats. As the official migration begins, adopting PQC and embracing crypto agility are essential steps in safeguarding sensitive data.

Organizations that act now to transition to PQC will be better prepared for the challenges of the quantum age. The Solstice network provides the tools needed to make this transition seamless, ensuring that digital security is future-proofed against even the most advanced attacks.

Curious to learn how the Solstice network could help your organization transition to quantum-resilient security, drop us a line!

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